InVideo Review - A Different Faster Way To Make Videos?

A look at a web based application that helps you to make videos. Videos are popular and in demand today. Social media platforms favor them because you spend more time watching a video than a post or an image. The good news is ever more tools are created to enable videos to be more easily created. So you don’t have to be a video editor to make videos. Well you still do depending on the type of video you want to make....

What Is New In Gmail 2018

Google rolled out a new Gmail with new interface, some useful new features, and moved some things around. In the video below, you can see what a top more important features that will change the way you use Gmail. In the future post, I’ll share with you an email service which puts privacy, and security as the main features. Something I feel a business owner will definitely appreciate. Update - The Electronic Frontier Foundation has a good write up about Gmail’s Confidential email....

Useful Hidden Tips In Adobe Reader

If you use Adobe Reader just to open, and read PDF documents, or perhaps printing a document as a PDF so that it won’t be altered, then you are missing a few valuable features in Adobe Reader. This short video (5 minutes) will show you a few tips, that may just help you increase your productivity, save you some money, and a significant amount of time. Hope the video above helps you be more productive....

March 20, 2017 · James Woo

Undo Send Gmail Tip

Have you ever gotten a sick feeling, the one you get where, the moment you clicked the send button on your email, you realized there was a mistake. I’m sure you have experienced this. This happened to all of us, no matter how careful you are. Perhaps it is a typo error, an attachment you forgot to attach, or worst, you sent the email to the wrong person. At the very least, such mistakes can be embarrassing....