Courses To Help You With Video Creation And More

I’ll show you how to start and how to master such tools in a short time through my step-by-step training. The following are what some students say James Woo, is by far one of the better teachers they have on here with his experience so far. His personality is warm, and you can tell he actually cares about wanting to teach you and makes you feel good after each lesson. ....

Filmora 13 Using Rulers And Girds For Accurate Text Placement

Not many people know that Filmora 13 has a grid function. The grid allows you to position your text, stickers, or any object you like to exactly the same position in your frame consistently throughout your video. You can access the grid by first turning on the ruler. Wait awhile. Then drag the grid lines from the ruler. You can drag as many grid lines as you like. The intersection of the vertical and horizontal grid lines are points where you text or stickers can snap onto....

May 4, 2024 · James Woo

Filmora 13 Drawing Tool For Creative Effects

Filmora 13 allows you to draw simple shapes like rectangle, elipse, arrows and triangles. Such shapes are great if you use it in a tutorial or to highlight something in your video. For example it is common to use a circle to highlight a person or an object to draw attention of your viewers. Besides simple shapes, you can also use it creatively for example to create a rising moon effect by combining it with a mask and keyframing the shape so that it moves....

March 11, 2024 · James Woo

New Features In Shotcut V24.01.28

Shotcut version 24.01.28 released at the end of January 2024 has some new useful features. Among them, several looping playback options, splitting multiple tracks with one click, grouping clips and more. Among the features that I like the most is splitting clips across multiple tracks. It makes it easy when I’m making a tutorial video. Two other features that I enjoy are nudging clips forward or back. This is especially useful when you want to place your video clips at a specific location on the track....

February 28, 2024 · James Woo

Translate Multiple Languages Easily In Filmora With AI Text Translate

Translating substitles or even regular text can be a hassle when you are editing a video. You would usually use a separate tool to do it. Then copy and pasting this into your video editor. This involves a lot of switching between applications. With Filmora 13 you can reduce this significantly because built into Filmora, there is a AI text translation tool. The AI can translate and place the translated text in the same position on your video....

February 19, 2024 · James Woo

Create An Animated Valentine Intro

Valentine’s Day is around the corner. Filmora released some free effects for you to try for a limited time. These effects make it easy to create an animated intro for Valentine’s Day. Check out the video below Hope you like it.

February 15, 2024 · James Woo

Free Resources For Entrepreneurs To Grow Your Business

This page will be updated with more resources over time. The best way to be informed is through my email list here. Email Marketing Mailgun – First 10,000 emails free each month SendGrid – Free 12,000 per month transactional, and marketing email Sendinblue – Free and paid. Free for up to 9,000 emails per month, no limit on subscribers Multitrack – Email tracking. Track when emails are opened. 5 emails per domain...

Is The Poco F5 Good Enough For Videos

My old phone was starting to show its age so I went on a hunt for a new smartphone and finally settled for the Poco F5. But why the Poco F5 and not something else? Read along and find out. First up, if your country does not sell the Poco F5, it may be branded as Redmi Note 12 Turbo. There’s a slightly better version called the F5 Pro which is actually a rebranded Redmi K60....

September 29, 2023 · James Woo

Ulanzi MT-44 Mini Tripod Selfie Stick Review

Being a person that so far hasn’t caught GAS or gear acquisition syndrome, I tend to buy very little equipment unless I really need it. On a recent short road trip, I met up with an old classmate and her husband. I found out she was quite an enthusiastic outdoor photographer for their hikes and they use a mini tripod/selfie stick. Something Small And Light I didn’t get the opportunity to ask what tripod she used but I thought that was really useful a tool to bring along....

September 10, 2023 · James Woo

New Features In Shotcut Version 23.07

A new version of Shotcut has been release. In version 23.07.29, there are man bug fixes. There are also 2 new audio filters to over audio issues i.e. pop and crackling sound some users have encountered when they export. Watch the short 2 minute video below where I explain the new features. A viewer on my YouTube channel said there were more bugs in some of the newer versions of Shotcut....

August 11, 2023 · James Woo